

Two million wed every year in the U. S. June is the most popular month for weddings, then August and May. But first before you get there say you’re still looking for the right person. Where do you go? How do you find a life-long partner to accompany you through life? These are questions to ponder when you are moving from the single life.

Years ago, courtship (known today as engagement) was the way of life to really get to know a person before marriage. You need to not only be physically attracted to each other but resonate with each other’s values, ideas and religion. For instance, consider being in a relationship with someone who spends most of their time enjoying the outdoor life and you are a homebody who loves staying inside the home. Look at the heart (for humility, kindness, compassion, meekness, patience, sincerity, generosity) and not the outward appearance.

We can never change an individual into a new person or into the person we want them to be? This can be as difficult as trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. If someone wants to spend their life with you they need to know who you are. You should be authentic and your natural self.

Life today has certainly changed. Courting back in the days of yesteryear was valuable time spent to determine if it was God’s will for two people to marry each other. According to divorce rates today, surely courting is a thing of the past and it is unfortunate we see too many marriages fail. Many today are unhappy together wishing they had done the courtship period.

If you want to find your life partner don’t fake your way into someone’s life. Don’t pretend to like or agree with things you don’t. Really learn how to listen to each other. Learn about differences and similarities. Communicate and learn how to respect & enjoy each other, and work through problem areas. Learn how to compromise (find that middle ground). Get to know family members. Don’t assume if you live up to someone’s expectations they will change. Be your genuine self. Many spend precious years together unhappy in a relationship simply because they didn’t make time to get to know one another. Lastly, listen to your heart.

If you want to meet your life partner, someone you are equally yoked with, get involved with something you like to do you just might meet the person who enjoy and like the same to accompany you through the rest of your life. It’s important to know if you can get over the first crazy, rough and intense years (5 at least for most if you have really done the courtship), the rest will be calmer.

Don’t spend too much of your time scouting and looking but more time on what you like to do you just might be surprised

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