

Nice, quiet day….life is good. Life is always a miracle in motion. Every day is unique and every moment is so precious. We each have our own purpose and much work to do that will last us a  lifetime. You only travel each day of life once. Time is not waiting for you so enjoy your every moment (good or bad) because the gift of life is life itself.
Find time to….
……do what makes you happy
……be with who makes you smile
……laugh as much as you breathe
……love as long as you live
……take a walk through nature and listen
……dig your fingers into the soil of the earth to plant and grow something
……do nothing
The world is full of nice people if you can’t find one be one and…
……have coffee/tea with a friend
……go somewhere special
……do what you have always wanted to do
……be with the one you really love and you know love you
……do something for someone who can never repay you back
Include people in your life that…
……truly love you
……motivate you
……encourage you
……inspire you
……likes the same things you like
Those who never seem to have time to share life with you or those who want to take up all of your time, let them go.  Yet, life is so good when you take time to form remarkable friendships. When you wake up in the morning sit in silence for at least ten minutes. Pray for someone. Thank God and ask Him to reveal your purpose for being and to guide you throughout the day.

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