



Whether you have New Year resolutions or polishing up on human virtues where will you go from here?  

I’m excited about our connection.  2008 was a great year and the economic downturn presents an opportunity to build even better relationships. I have discovered even though we are different we have more similarities, and during these difficult times what we have in common is bringing us closer together.  Then again even our differences could provide learning opportunities for how to get through a tough economy. 

One thing we all have in common by divine design is people love reaching out connecting, being kind, nice and helping each other.  Our innate traits are to be positive people happy, contented and so natural that we do not need to practice to acquire it.  It is only when these qualities are not put into action that we practice negative characteristic.  Volunteering one’s service to a worthy cause or just simply listening can show you care about other individuals. 

Never take people for granted whether they measure up with you or not.  Don’t be too quick to pass judgment on people based on color, religion, societal class, looks or whatever reason you may have.  Give people, even those who are different from you, a chance before you dismiss them for someone you may think has something better to offer or is of greater value to you.  There is not a person around that doesn’t want to feel appreciated.  What about you?  I would love to hear from you. 

I look forward to building even greater relationships in 2009!  Join our circle of friends.  I believe when we look for God in each person we meet we want pass by anyone without smiling, saying good morning or a kind word.  Perhaps if we told each other more often how much we mean to one another, relationships would grow and our connections to each other would be stronger.

Are you living in loneliness and despair because of lost connections.  Make a New Year resolutions to create change starting in your community.  Thanks for joining me.

Lady Earlean


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